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Pelican Platform

Software Designed to

Make Data Distribution Easy

Functional and Dependable for Consumers
Robust and Maintainable for Providers
Sky level diagram of Pelican
The Pelican Platform is designed to meet the needs of data providers and consumers in the age of “Big Data”. Our Mission? Provide a platform that makes deploying data easy and accessing this data easier via well documented APIs and client tools.

The Open Science Data Federation

Backed by the Pelican Platform, the Open Science Data Federation (OSDF) is an OSG service hosting data origins and caches across the globe.

Integrated with other OSG services such as the OSPool, the OSDF facilitates the distributed nature of a national compute pool. In addition to the performance improvements, purpose built plugins for HTCondor make it easy for researchers to harness these caches.

User Stories

NOAA Sonar Banner
NOAA funded marine scientist uses OSPool access to high throughput computing to explode her boundaries of research

NOAA funded marine scientist uses OSPool access to high throughput computing to explode her boundaries of research.

Latest Releases


March 18, 2025



March 7, 2025



March 6, 2025



March 5, 2025


All Releases

Data in Flight - Delivering Data with Pelican

Andrew Owen

Researcher Facilitator, Andrew Owen, explains how to use Pelican to connect your data to existing data federations, including the OSDF. He then provides steps on how to deploy an origin on top of your data repository.

View Tutorial Materials
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This project is supported by National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement OAC-2331480. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.